Wednesday, July 7, 2010

How to Choose a Safari Destination

There are other safari destinationsthat can also conjoin with other fantastic sites to see. Another main Safari Park in Africa that is based in Tanzania, not only provides amazing animal experience but it also provides a fantastic view of the famous Mount Kilimanjaro. This is a wonderful Safari package, you would get the full experience of the animals and you would also get the full experience of the one of the most astounding pieces of nature ever, the mountain.

Overall, choosing a Safari destination must be carefully done and planned as going on Safari can be a once in a lifetime opportunity, so booking it carefully is essential.

Deciding to go on a Safari is not as easy as it sounds, with over ten major Safari destinations available throughout Africa choosing where to go can be one of the biggest decisions of all.

Going on Safari is mainly to see animals and experience their natural behavior, so one of the main factors when deciding which Safari Park to visit is what species of animals you would like to see.

There are some parks that due to the extensive land space they posses, offer many different types of animals for the visitors to see. This is where you’ll be able to experience many different animals in different states of awareness. For example if there are lions and buffalos in the same park, the buffalos may be more aware due to the close proximity of lions. This can be frightening to the animal but extremely educational and amazing to us.
Other parks only have two or three species of animals but instead, they will be in large quantities. One of the main Safari Parks in Africa has over a quarter of a million zebras.