A Safari is by far one of the most rewarding and exciting experiences anyone could ever experience, this is due to the sheer fact that modern day people do not get to see animals in their wildest form. Instead we have become acclimatized to seeing animals held in captivity and we have learned to accept that, so seeing a wild animal in the wild can often be a very awe-inspiring sight to see.
One thing that must be remembered is that wild animals act on their instincts to survive. You may be a witness of a lion chasing and killing a gazelle or deer for its meat. This is a natural occurrence, as this is how a mother lioness would feed her dependant cubs. If you were to shout out or scream at the sight of this, you would startle the natural instinct within wild animals and may cause danger to yourself and others on the Safari. If you feel you would do this, a Safari may not be the best vacation you should take.
Some dangers of going on Safari should be obvious. The animals you may see on Safari are wild. They may not be accustomed to being disturbed during their natural way of life by flash photography or by loud human voices. This could often startle wild animals such as wildebeest and buffalos, which are known to charge at frightening sources.
Deciding to go on Safari can be one of the most exciting things to plan. The excitement of visiting another country, experiencing another culture and seeing animals in their own natural environment can be overwhelming and often the realistic dangers of going on safari can be missed out when planning your vacation.
Overall, these are amazing experiences and should be welcomed when the opportunity comes along. There just has to be some sense in order not to put yourself or others at risk with behavior that may not be appropriate